by Crystal Lim-Lange and Gregor Lim-Lange 

This was a very informative book about the practical superskills one needs to stand out against an increasing automated world!

Without going too much into detail about what this book entails, I just wanted to share some interesting takeaways I got from reading this book.

Cultivating adaptive resilience 

How does one cultivate resilience? We are often told that the older generations are more resilient than us . Here, the authors summarise having adaptive resilience as that of “accepting something that has already happened, and working on finding a  solution or way forward.” 

One should have a growth mindset.

Instead of thinking that talent is innate, and there is nothing you can do to improve, one can instead believe that with time and effort, one can increase one’s talent, and increase the chance of success. 

If we were to have a fixed mindset, we would not end up learning anything, and feel defeated by our “failures”. 

Be curious 

The authors encourage us to explore new hobbies/activities, or even reconnect with old hobbies that we used to do, but have subsequently pushed them out of our schedule because of time limitations! 

They also encourage us not to let nervousness about engaging in a new activity stop us from pursuing something new.

I’ve taken up their suggestion on making a list of having new activities to try or going to new places every week as well ! 

Self compassion

Learn to be kind to yourself just as you would to a friend!

Often we are very hard on ourselves, telling ourselves things that we would never say to a friend. 

A friend called me out on this too, saying that I wouldn’t say these negative things to her if she were in this position, so why should I be saying these things to myself? Be kind to yourself !! 

All in all, I would definitely recommend this book :). 

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