Recently, I attended a new class — which was mixed strength and conditioning!
We started with warm ups– which is very important in reducing the risk of injury during the class. Never skip warm up prior to exercise– even if you’re short on time!
We alternated between cardio with cycling and strength exercises.
These exercises varied from shoulder presses, to burpees, to dumb bell thrusters, amongst others.In and of themselves, these exercises would have had been quite tiring already, but combined, it was definitely a challenge. Attendees were given the choice to use whatever weights they felt comfortable with.
As it was my first time doing a mixed strength and conditioning class, I forgot to pace myself and got gassed out halfway during the class and had to take a short break in the middle.
Thankfully the instructor was very kind and let me rest for a few minutes while I caught my breath, and also taught me how to time my breathing with the exercises better so I am able to better perform the exercises!
I was definitely sore for two days after– but I’ve been told that it gets better with more training! I guess there’s only one way to find out and that is going for more of these hybrid classes. Thankful for the instructor keeping a close eye to ensure that the attendees still keep their form during the exercises, as well as making sure everyone is safe although it was a very intense class!