These are 5 habits I’ve been incorporating this year and it’s been helpful thus far so I hope it will be useful for you too!
1) No screen time 1 hour before bed
Studies have shown that longer than average screen time around bedtime has been associated with poorer sleep quality. [1]
I’m sure some of you out there struggle with getting quality sleep in, I sure am one of them. Knowing this, I’ve been trying to be more diligent in avoiding screens at least one hour before bedtime!
2) Reading books instead of scrolling on my phone
What do I do then? Read a book.
To facilitate this and ensure that I don’t reach out for my phone just out of habit, I’ve been placing a book on my nightstand.
Currently, I’m reading Rich AF by Vivian Tu. It’s been very informative thus far and provides a lot of financial information in a easy to read format. I’ve had had to actively stop myself from reading too fast to fully absorb the information, as it is written in a clear manner and it is truly a delight to read.
3) Exercise at least 1x a week
One is the number I’ve set for myself: ie. If im having an exhausting week, I’ll still try to make time for at least one workout session- even if it may only be a 20-minute quick workout session at home! (See my exercise tips link)
Working out any more than once a week is counted as a bonus for me!
Disclaimer: I love exercising but my work schedule is truly hectic.
4) Journaling weekly
Ideally I’d like to be journaling daily but currently at this stage in life that’s not very feasible for me. I also don’t want it to get to a point where it feels like a chore/ just one more thing to check off my to-do list. Rather, I’d much prefer to set a more realistic goal and be able to enjoy the whole process of journaling, processing my thoughts and experiences throughout the week and chewing on them slowly instead of feeling rushed to do so.
5) Use a habit tracker
Something that has been helpful is using a habit tracker.
It just entails writing down what habits you’d like to be more intentional about doing daily, and having a visual record of doing these habits daily.
I hope you find these tips helpful and that they will help you to live fruitfullyy!
Christensen MA, Bettencourt L, Kaye L, et al. Direct Measurements of Smartphone Screen-Time: Relationships with Demographics and Sleep. PLoS One. 2016;11(11):e0165331. Published 2016 Nov 9. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165331