Do you find it difficult to make time for exercise? Or do you find it difficult to get yourself to the gym, even though there *are* pockets of time during your day that you could probably fit in some movement!
Here are some of the ways that I have incorporated exercise and movement into my life, that I hope will be useful for you too!
- Finding a gym near your house
One of the excuses that I have for not working out is that it takes too long to get to the gym and back– So I decided to look for a gym nearer my house instead. Then, I’d have less of an excuse not to go to the gym!
2. Try to go directly from work, instead of going home and then heading to the gym
Once I reach home, I tend to not want to go out anymore. In some instances, I initially had plans to go to the gym, however after reaching home, it was more difficult to get myself back out of the house again. However, when I go straight to the gym before heading home, this has somehow helped me to actualise my plans of working out instead.
3. Book a class in advance (if possible).
If your gym offers group classes, look through your schedule in advance and work out which time would be suitable for going to the gym.
If you’re on an app like ClassPass, you could even narrow the filter to the time slot in which you would be free, and choose an available class. You can also sync it to your phone calendar to remind you that you already have that class booked!
4. Having a accountability partner/ a friend to gym with
Find a friend (or friends) who want(s) to exercise regularly– and you can either go the gym with them, or have regular check-ins with each other on whether you have been exercising regularly.
5. Pack an extra set of workout clothes in the office/ in the car
Have you ever been in the situation where your appointment/meeting/work ended early, and you suddenly have a pocket of time but *oh no!* you forgot to bring a set of workout clothes. I have been in this situation a few times — so now I try to keep a set of workout clothes in the car; so that I would have no excuses for not getting some exercise in!
Hope you find these tips helpful!