Recently I picked up this book as I was interested in having an insight into what being a Secret Service agent was like — the rigour of the training as well as what the job entailed. 

I marveled at her grit and resilience throughout the book. She trained very hard and definitely proved her mettle not only during her training but her entire time at work as well. 

1.Dealing with anger

She provides practical tips on how to deal with your anger/emotions- eg. Setting an expiration date for one to process emotions. She acknowledges that it is important to process these emotions instead of just pushing them aside, but it is also not healthy to wallow in misery or self pity for too long, hence the setting of an expiration date. 

2.Don’t limit yourself

She highlighted the importance of not “self-editing”. For example, only those who have confidence and “mental toughness” would apply for the Secret Service as those who doubt themselves wouldn’t even apply. Similarly, are we also so scared of taking risks because we are afraid of “not being good enough” that we become paralysed, and don’t even make the attempt to pursue something that we want? 

3.Don’t compare

She also reminds us not to compare.

When we compare with others, it takes our focus away from the task at hand and results in poorer performance. 

4.Learn from others

She talked about the qualities her protectees (former presidents and the First Ladies) exuded and what she learnt from them, and is still committed to protecting them and not gossiping about them even though she is no longer in the Secret Service.

All in all I would recommend reading this book– it was filled with many pearls of wisdom and I hope you will enjoy it too! 

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