Being driven, being ambitious, is often looked upon as something that’s admirable, respected.
We are being told that we are to keep up the daily grind at our usual job, and do a side hustle as well. How are we to determine that we are taking on more than we should? How much is too much?
If I can do it, does that mean I should do it?
Prioritise what you need to do.
We all have different responsibilities and priorities. From work, family, church, to saving money for retirement, having time to indulge in entertainment (eg social media, TV). How do you decide how much time to commit to each priority?
One way I do this is dividing the year up to four quarters, and for each quarter, I prioritise working toward goals in one- two domains. This doesn’t mean I completely neglect other responsibilities, just working on improving my processes/ focusing more on select domains in that time. This helps to avoid being overwhelmed by “too many things” that I want to accomplish within a certain time frame.
Are you “over-responsible?”
When someone in your team drops the ball, do you often find yourself taking over because you just want to “get things done?” Or feel that it’ll only be done well if you do it yourself?
This can be a manifestation of pride, which I’ve seen myself doing many times before as well. After taking over so many things and doing more than I am supposed to, I find myself grumbling , when I could just have educated the fellow team member to do his job instead.
Being a good steward of your resources.
This means using your gifts and resources well. Finances and assets are definitely part of your resources, but we often forget that time is too. I have come to realise that time spent on one thing inadvertently takes time away from another commitment. Everyone has finite resources and time, what are you prioritising it on ?
How do you not “do it all”, but instead do the best you can with what you have?