5 Hobbies to try in 2024

Here are some ideas for hobbies that you can pick up today!

1. Work out with online resources

If you’ve time and the resources to go to a gym, great! However if you’re stuck for ideas and you’re only able to workout at home, there are a lot of options too.

I try to workout at least once to twice a week, and if time permits, I’ll add in another session.

Depending on availability, I’ll vary between going to the gym and working out at home (for variety so I don’t get bored.)

See my other article on useful workout resources for working out with resources found online!

2.Learn how to cook

There are alot of free resources online that teach you how to cook. Before I first lived alone, I couldn’t even crack an egg. I slowly honed my cooking skills with tips and free recipes online and that was crucial in keeping me alive. Cooking also provides slightly more flexibility than say, baking, as the latter usually requires more precision— but in cooking you’re able to tweak and vary the recipes to cater to your taste.

Some resources that I’ve found useful include:

Sheet pan dinners are very good for one dish meals, are intrinsically easy to clean up, and you can make varying types of cuisines as well so you’ll never be bored.

One of my favourite websites of all time, noobcoook.com, – It has categories sorted by time taken (eg. 15 or 30min recipes) by type of cuisine, and best of all the recipes are easy to follow!

Try this claypot chicken rice— one of my favourite recipes!

Try out the Clear the Fridge app if you have some ingredients already, but you’re not sure how to use them up!


As a child, were you always on the monkey bars, or climbing every furniture you could find ? I recently discovered bouldering and found that it helped me relive my childhood hobby of climbing random things, but is also a fun workout and allows me to relieve stress. It can be done alone, or as a social group activity.


Have you tried journaling? I have found that it is a very useful way to process the happenings of your days/week , and can be therapeutic as well. It also allows for you to look back on it in the future and be grateful for the things that have happened in the past. Another way to try out guided journalling online, is to use Gracefullyy which you can access here, or at the top of the menu bar!

5.Thrift shopping

Not only can you pick up new pieces for your wardrobe, you are also able to reduce wastage by giving new life to old pieces of clothing.

What are some other hobbies you’re going to try this year?

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