We know that exercise is good for us but how do we incorporate exercise into our lives when we’re always so busy?

Firstly, yay to you for reading this article and taking the first step towards your health and fitness goals!

1) A short workout is better than no workout

We can gravitate towards all-or-nothing thinking— ie. If I don’t have enough time for a full 1.5h gym workout, I might as well not go the gym.

Even 20 minutes, or 15 minutes is better than nothing!

Examples include:

  • A 10 minute walk around your estate

  • Some scapular raises (or pull-ups) in the nearby park

  • Watching and following a short 10-15min mat Pilates video on Youtube


2) Determine for yourself how often you can fit exercise into your schedule.

For myself, on really busy weeks, I might only be able to exercise one time.

Hence, I’ll set my benchmark as exercising at least once a week. Anything else is a bonus!

This way, it is more feasible and I won’t be beating myself up for not being able to set a time to exercise 5x a week.


3) Try and workout at home

I love the gym.

I love how I see progress lifting heavier weights progressively, how people encourage each other in the gym community.

However, realistically, I can’t make the commute to the gym all the time.

Hence I’ve made it easier for myself to have an alternative on days I’m really stretched for time— by having some adjustable weights, resistance bands and a yoga mat at home.

This has helped me to squeeze in some exercise after work hours even if there are pressing deadlines for presentations etc. that I’m rushing for (and so I don’t have an excuse to miss my workout for the week).

Hope you find these tips helpful!

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